Little commandos 3 - 4 years
Little commandos is a non-competitive pre-sport program that aims to provide young children with cognitive and physical developmental building blocks. These building blocks are necessary so that children have the ability to participate in whatever sports they choose to learn when they are older.
Our little commandos program focuses on developing; concentration, gross motor skills, hand/foot-eye coordination, core body strength, grip strength, balance, cross lateral movement and cardiovascular function. Students also practice listening, following instructions, sitting/standing still and taking turns. Children that have had the opportunity to practice and develop these skills have a head start for sport and school.
We teach children the value and importance of concentration. They learn that by concentrating they are able to learn faster and better. The language and concepts used by our instructors are age appropriate and matched to the level of the individual student. The positive values of respect, safety and being responsible for behaviour is an important component of the little Commandos program. Our teaching/ learning model provides clearly defined boundaries, simple easy to follow directions and positive reinforcement.